Monday, January 24, 2011

Hot Topics in Self-Help 2011

Integral Psychology is one of the most prevalent areas of self-help as we begin 2011. This is not a movement which looks to one person or "guru" for guidance. The coming together of a number of different scientific advances over the past few years, and the emergence of a "global village" are creating a plethora of therapy opportunities for improvement in mind, body and spirit. Here are some of the areas of interest:
  1. Hypnotherapy (including Alchemical Hypnosis promoted currently by David Quigley).
  2. Behavioral Kinesiology
  3. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  4. Acupressure emotional clearing by tapping on key energy centers on the body ("Emotional Freedom Techniques"). You can learn more by looking up "energy psychology".
  5. Mindfulness practices and psychoneuroimmunology to calm the "fight or flight" response and promote overall wellness in mind-body-spirit. (Meditation, Yoga and Massage Therapies). See the work of Dr. Daniel Siegel for psychoneuroimmunology.
  6. The "Power of Intention" (see the book by Dr. Wayne Dyer)
  7. "Synchrodestiny" to grow awareness of the power of the "Now" moment, observe "meaningful coincidences", and create a more richly meaningful life path. (See the books by Deepak Chopra).
  8. Feng Shui to order one's physical environment in a way that fosters balance, flow, and beauty.
  9. Nature therapy:  Creating healthy green spaces, seeking out natural environments., deliberately "unplugging" from technology on a regular basis.
  10. The Enneagram personality (temperaments) inventory to learn how we can get stuck in our own ruts and how to get out of them. The Enneagram has been around for years now, but never ceases to amaze me how accurate a system it is.  
Most recently, I have posted to my website a downloadable 23-minute recorded intervention for people in immediate emotional crisis (anxiety or panic, grief, loss, insomnia, etc.) which integrates many of the above topics. Here is the direct page link:

Your affirmation:
"Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better"

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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Emotional Freedom Techniques

Over the past few years, I've been working with clients who are in crisis on a new set of treatment techniques called "Emotional Freedom Techniques" or EFT. Gary Craig developed these particular techniques in modern times, but they are not really new at all. The reasons why these techniques are so effective so quickly has to do with an understanding of the human mind-body that goes back thousands of years. Many therapists are now acquiring training in EFT from an area of psychology called "Energy Psychology." The principles of EFT and Energy Psychology are the same principles upon which acupuncture is based. I have watched clients bring their anxiety down dramatically in just a few sessions using these relatively simple techniques.
Please share this link with anyone who may need immediate help with anxiety or panic, and particularly those with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.